You would like to think that you've got yourself and man, but he might have a man or two as well! Many young ladies struggle with the idea of "Man Time." The time when your boyfriend designates to going out with his group of guys to share some "bonding" or whatever they feel like doing. (And Ladies, lets be fair, we can't forget about "Ladies Night"!)
Some stay in and play cards, others hit the town, but either way there will be man time, a "Bro-mance" if you will. Some relationships seem to struggle a bit with this issue, too much time with the boys, not enough date time. There should be balance and there should be respect on both ends of the relationship.
Ladies, if your man wants a night or weekend out with his friends, the best bet would be to just let him have it. There is no harm in him having some fun with his buds. If you put a leash on him, he may start to resent you for it and push you away.
There is an article that sums up this idea from the ladies perspective perfectly in 6 main ideas.
- Respect His Space (you don't have to put your mark on him)
- Respect His Decisions
- Respect His Time
- Respect His Sharing
- Respect His Family (Make sure he respects yours too)
- Respect His Friends (Even if they take up some of his time, see #3)
The easiest way to deal with your mans "Bro-mance" is to spend that time he's with his friends with yours or doing something for yourself.
You also may need to recognize if your boyfriend is spending too much time away from you and with his friends, if so, you may need to examine your relationship again.
Whatever the case, without mutual respect for ideas and interests, your relationship will land on shaky ground.
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