So many people try so hard to impress their date on the first date that they're not being themselves. You wear your best clothes, put on your favorite accessories and sit up straight, when in reality you would be just as content wearing Hanes sweat pants and a mismatched undershirt.
So what happens if during the small talk and what do you do for a livings something happens? Not just anything like you got some sauce on your pants, or even the slightly more embarrassing spinach in the teeth, we're talking catastrophically embarrassing here. Say, you fall out of your chair or have the sudden urge to run to the restroom and vomit! Is that deal breaker for future dates?
In some cases, your date may be a little turned off by your clumsiness or intestinal problems, but it also may make you appear a little more human.
Not that I suggest embarrassing yourself on purpose, but if it happens the only thing you can do is laugh at yourself and the situation. Your date may just laugh along with you and not at you.
There's an article on CNN.com mentioning several embarrassing first dates and how there ended up being future dates too!
Remember, as much as you try to sell yourself on a first date, you're only human!
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