Saturday, January 31, 2009

Inexpensive Date Nights

It is a known fact that college students have mastered one thing, the art of being broke. So after those few nights of wining and dining your new fling, the bank account may not be able to handle another date.

If you feel comfortable enough to bring your new "fling" over for a date night at your house, there are some inexpensive and casual ways to have a nice evening together.

  • Taco Night- Run to the grocery store and pick up some ingredients for a taco dinner! The entire grocery bill should not come out to be more than around $20.
  • Bake Cookies- Always fun around any holiday .
  • Play Video Games- Grab a bottle of wine and set up the Wii. You can rent some new games at blockbuster if you want to play something different.
  • Baked Potato Bar- Bake up a couple of potatoes and a set up a bar of fun potato toppings. You and your date can pick and choose how to create your very own spud.
  • Make Your Own Pizza- You can buy uncooked pizza dough at your grocery stores bakery. Then pick out all your favorite toppings, you can even shape your pizza like a heart!

Anyone have any other inexpensive "night in" suggestions? Let me know!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What to Wear on a Date

Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls, it's time for that date you've been stressing about all week. A main concern may be wardrobe. What should you wear?

Ladies first, the most important thing about your date wardrobe is something you are comfortable and confident in. Make sure you feel pretty, like everyone is looking at you.It doesn't have to be something new, just something you love. Try to avoid those jeans you know are a bit tight, because after that delightful meal, you may be suffocating yourself.

Also, make sure no straps are showing and try to follow the "no crack policy." Stay away from low riding pants and low cut shirts. Keep yourself looking classy and respectful.

Gentlemen, try to look pressed and put together. It depends on where your taking your date, but the buttons should be buttoned and creases should be crisp no matter what. Give yourself a good shave, or at least clean up your facial hair, a full on beard can be a little distracting, especially if there is a french fry stuck in it from dinner.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

College Guy vs. College Grad

Once most ladies have reached college age, the thought of "dating a college guy" may not sound as appealing as it did in high school. If this is the case, chances are they have had one too many bad experiences with the stereotypical "college guy."

Most young women look for a man, not a guy or "boy" as some may call them, and not until after that diploma is handed to them, do those "boys" realize it's time to grow up. Everyone knows keg parties and dirty frat houses are a part of college life, but how many young, determined, confident women do you see happily running back to the frat house to spend quality time with their boyfriends. Yuck. It may be fun for a little, hanging out with the guys, but after a while you probably are just going to want a shower, or a flea bath.

So, by junior year of college, most single ladies have to search elsewhere for the next possible date. Now, you find yourself in a sea of young professionals, and you're the little college girl. My how the tables have turned. But once you have snagged your college grad, many girls realize the difference between the 21 year old boys to the 27 year old men. And no ladies, these 27 year old men do not live with their mothers. They work their jobs, pay their bills, wear their blazers and meet co-workers for dinner and drinks.

These young professionals are mature and what every young lady is looking for. But do men want a college girl? This is where things seem to get a little tricky. In my opinion, the college student title isn't an issue. It's the whole package. Men look for a confident, intelligent young woman, with her priorities in order and goals in mind. Hard work is attractive to both sexes.

If there is one thing to look for in your boy or man or whom ever you choose to date, it's someone you can lose track of time with and have a great time doing it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

If the First Date Goes Well, You May Get a Second.

Here are some tips for those of you encountering the nerve-racking first date. I think it's normal to be a little nervous before embarking on a first date, especially if it is with someone you barely know.

  • Drive separate cars. This will make ending the date easier if it doesn't go smoothly.

  • Start with lunch or coffee if you're just getting to know someone, this keeps things casual and comfortable.

  • Keep it fun; if it's dinner, make sure you pick (or are taken to if you have any say in it) a place that's fun and up beat; not too mushy and romantic right away. Hibachi restaurants are a good idea, they're fun and interactive and the two of you will most likely be accompanied by others at the table.

  • If you go out to dinner, keep the alcohol intake to a minimum. Chances are, you'll make a fool out of yourself and do something you regret.

  • Use your manners, need I say more?

  • Don't talk too much about yourself or your past relationships. Keep the conversation light and interesting.

These are just some idea's that I believe are important for a successful first date.

I also found this quiz I thought was fun! Try it for yourself!

First Date Quiz

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Online Dating...Yay or Nay?

From Match.Com to Jdate.Com , Internet dating sites have taken singles by storm. It seems that everyone knows someone who is a registered user of at least one of the many dating sites available online. But how effective are they?

I personally asked five girls around the Florida Atlantic University Campus on their thoughts of online dating, and each of them denied using a service themselves, but knew someone who had. Another thing each of the girls had in common with their answers, was that "someone" who had used an online dating service, was someone far beyond their college years, like an aunt, a mother or a family friend.

From my experience, I feel that college students are not against using online dating services, but they can find other outlets that get the same job done, without having to sign up and pay for a membership. For example, Myspace.Com or Facebook.Com are both social networking sites that are free of charge, while Match.Com can have an annual price of $99.00, which may not fit comfortably in a college students budget.

Dr. Robert Brym did study in 2001 regarding online dating in Canada Love Online Study. Among the people studied, who met someone online and eventually face-to-face:

  • 63% of them had sex with at least one person they met online;

  • 60% formed at least one long term relationship;

  • 27% met at least one person they regarded as a "partner";

  • 3% met someone they eventually married.

I personally have two close friends, each of whom met their current boyfriend on Myspace.Com. So, if you're looking for you're future husband, paying $99.00 a year may not be a very effective way to find that person. With a 3% marriage rate on one study, I would stick to more social networking sites than strictly dating sites. They can appear less aggressive, and you may meet some new friends and keep in touch with old ones at the same time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Tips to Keep "Him" Off Your Mind

Many girls, myself included, spend endless amounts of time thinking of that special someone. But what if that special someone doesn't realize his "special"status in your mind, and doesn't care to?

So there you are, spending hours thinking about this "person" who may or may not think of you in the same regards, and you're wasting valuable "you" time. You can't concentrate on your school work or focus at your job, and you're constantly checking your cell phone for missed calls and text messages. It is beginning to affect your life as a whole, and it's not functioning properly.

How do you reconstruct your thinking patterns to focus more on "you" and leave "him" where he belongs; out of sight, out of mind.

Here are some tips I have found helpful to clear your mind.

1.) A nice bike ride or walk

- Sometimes you need nothing more than some fresh air and time alone to sort out your priorities.

2.) A person to vent to

- Call a close friend who understands your situation and has their own priorities in order. Maybe they can talk some sense into you while cheering you up at the same time.

3.) A night out with your closest friends

- It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun. You won't even have time to think about him.

4.) Exercise

- An hour at the gym can pump out more than just sweat and muscles, it can cleanse your mind. You will also feel more confident!

5.) Watch your favorite comedy

- Pop in one of your favorite movies and quote every line to it.

6.) Buy something for yourself

- If the funds are available, go out and purchase those shoes you've been wanting.

After all is said and done, "you" are the only one that matters. Enjoy what life has to offer and don't sweat the small stuff.

Here is another Blogger's Idea I found interesting for getting him off your mind!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Single Girl's Night Out

For most single college girls, a night out with friends can usually be squeezed into their busy schedules at least once a week. Why do girls go out to bars, parties, and nightclubs in college? To have fun and make lasting memories with their girlfriends? Yes of course, but there is usually another motive behind all the primping and grooming before a night on the town. The possible meeting of a future husband may be just around the corner.

In my personal opinion, and I think many would agree, you always seem to find the "right" boy when you're least expecting to. Many times, you find that special someone when your at a point in life when you're strictly goal oriented and focused on yourself. This can be an attractive quality to men. They may see that as a hardworking woman who is not needy for companionship. Those who are actually on the search for a man, tend to look a little desperate.

I will admit to have been that girl on occasion, where some friends and I are at the bar scoping out possible prospects. We have our imaginary "future husband radar" on full force and it must be annoying to those around us. If you go out looking for someone, chances are you won't find what you're looking for and end up disappointed.

Go out with your friends, be carefree (yet careful), and enjoy being young and single. Being single can be beautiful and there is no limitations to the memories you and your closest friends can create. There is no law saying you must be in a relationship, and you are perfectly normal as a young single girl, working towards that degree.