For most single college girls, a night out with friends can usually be squeezed into their busy schedules at least once a week. Why do girls go out to bars, parties, and nightclubs in college? To have fun and make lasting memories with their girlfriends? Yes of course, but there is usually another motive behind all the primping and grooming before a night on the town. The possible meeting of a future husband may be just around the corner.
In my personal opinion, and I think many would agree, you always seem to find the "right" boy when you're least expecting to. Many times, you find that special someone when your at a point in life when you're strictly goal oriented and focused on yourself. This can be an attractive quality to men. They may see that as a hardworking woman who is not needy for companionship. Those who are actually on the search for a man, tend to look a little desperate.
I will admit to have been that girl on occasion, where some friends and I are at the bar scoping out possible prospects. We have our imaginary "future husband radar" on full force and it must be annoying to those around us. If you go out looking for someone, chances are you won't find what you're looking for and end up disappointed.
Go out with your friends, be carefree (yet careful), and enjoy being young and single. Being single can be beautiful and there is no limitations to the memories you and your closest friends can create. There is no law saying you must be in a relationship, and you are perfectly normal as a young single girl, working towards that degree.
I must let all of you know how truly blessed I am for all of my girlfriends. When I start feeling down or upset about anything (most of the time it has to do with a certain guy) I have a girls night. My friends and I have the best nights out...EVER! The guys we meet, the creepers we wish we never met, and the several vodka sodas consumed make for some incredible story telling the following morning and memories I will cherish forever. Those of you out there who say that the single life is not missed are lying to yourselves. Don't get me wrong, there are the benefits of a relationship that every girl does hope and wish for. I have discovered after being single for awhile now, I am doing so much more soul searching. This is the time in my life when I find out what is most important to ME, not anyone else. I should not sit around and wait for my prince charming. I should see where my success in life takes me and when the time is right I know I will find that special someone. So, all the single ladies out there, relax, take a moment and think about yourself! BE SELFISH (within reason ). This is valuable YOU time! Nothing is more sexy than a confident woman who knows what she wants. In the meantime enjoy yourself and those closest to you!
ReplyDeleteSo, go out with your best girl friends, flirt, laugh, and dance till dawn, avoid late night eating :) and have fun!
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