On the social networking site "facebook," originally created just for college students, your marital status is an important aspect of your page. From single to its complicated, your "facebook friends" will be updated of any changes in your status.
Some people just choose to leave the option blank and avoid nosey people asking questions about their relationships. But for others, the day you get to make that person someone who you are "in a relationship with" on facebook, is a big deal.
Whether or not your current relationship is "Facebook official" appears to be becoming a more popular topic every day. So much so that even CNN has done a story on the issue.
One good feature about Facebook is that no one can say they are in a relationship with you without your approval.
If only all decisions in life were as easy as a simple approval or denial by a click of the mouse. Life as a college student would be a lot easier.
One good feature about Facebook is that no one can say they are in a relationship with you without your approval. Free Online Dating